2 Historic Documents from the City of New York – The “Tweed Ring of Corruption” – Documents Signed by 3 of the 4 Members of the Ring!
Boss Tweed (William M. Tweed) and his Associates Mayor A. Oakey Hall and Comptroller Richard B. Connolly were indicted in 1871. The main scheme was siphoning funds from the construction of the County Court House through the use of fictitious vouchers and payees. In 1858 the Legislature authorized $250,000 to construct the County Court House. By 1869 they had spent $3,200,000… sounds a lot like today!
The first document on blue stationery dated October 17th, 1868 is signed “W. M. Tweed, Street Commissioner”.
The next document is a beautiful blue check from The National Broadway Bank signed by Mayor A. Oakey Hall and Richard F. Connolly.
Quite an historic piece of New York corruption. If you live there, these should be framed on your wall so that you can tell the story to your friends! Condition is fine.
#D377.10-17-68 – Price $195