The Finest Autograph of Col. Hiram Berdan of the 1st U.S.S.S. – A Bold Frank on a Civil War Envelope
This is probably been our favorite Union Civil War postal cover. Berdan’s autograph is bold and dark. The cover is addressed to Miss. Rebekah Peet, F. T. Peet & Co. 67 Murray Street in New York City. Frederick T. Peet, Jr. had been commissioned into Co. H of Berdan’s 1st regiment Sharp Shooters in October of 1861.
Written in pencil on the left side of the envelope either Peet or perhaps his father? Has written “Picture this when read, F. T. P.” and the date, May 30th, 1862. Under that “Chicahomy (Chickahominy), Va.” Peet’s commander Hiram Berdan and his men have been on the Peninsula Campaign and in less than a month fight the Seven Days Battles… Seven battles over seven days at the end of June. During the next to last battle, at Glendale (also called Nelson’s Farm or Frazier’s Farm), Frederick T. Peet on June 30th was shot through the lungs and taken prisoner. So, what we have is a very historic cover. Frame this piece up with a photo of Berdan and you have a wonderful display.
#PC304 – Price $750