Wanted to Buy
Buy or Consign: Single Pieces or Entire Collections
You may consign to us for a flat 10% selling commission (no hidden fees!) or you can have immediate cash payment… you decide. We will pay you immediately – no waiting! Our only requirement: MUSEUM QUALITY ITEMS ONLY! Call us to discuss what you have and what we can do for you (Call #419-565-4100). Here is what we are looking for:
- Soldiers’ Letters with great content & graphic battle descriptions from the French & Indian War through WWII – Our main emphasis is on the Civil War era. We especially desire to purchase Confederate letters & entire collections of letters.
- War-dated autograph material of famous military personalities – We are constantly seeking Confederate Generals T. J. Jackson, J. E. B. Stuart, & Lewis Armistead
- High-quality CDV photos with period ink I.D. – We need important Civil War personalities autographed on the front or killed in action
- Great hard images (ambrotypes & tintypes) of soldiers with their weapons
- “Souvenirs” or “war trophies” brought back or mailed back by soldiers
- Soldier identified items, both excavated & non-excavated, inscribed I.D. tags or discs, stencils, & Corps badges
- Rare buttons & buckles (both excavated & non-excavated) – Excavated buttons that were originally gilted must have a high percentage of the original gold gilt still remaining. Non-excavated buttons must have an untouched, uncleaned patina (Button collectors: DO NOT polish your buttons!). Buckles & plates must have great eye appeal with pleasing patinas.
- Soldier pen & ink drawings of camp life & maps of battle formations sent home in letters
- Original Charleston slave tags – Be sure to read our article on the Charleston slave tag that was published in North-South Trader magazine (Vol. XXVII, No. 6)
- Important documents especially Appomattox Paroles & other paroles issued in the field after a soldier was captured in battle (by Stuart, Mosby, Forrest, etc.).
- All documents related to Confederate blockade runners especially the bonds issued by company owners
- P.O.W. items – including letters with “inspected” covers & autograph albums from prisoners at Johnson’s Island, Libby & Andersonville
- Colorful items including recruiting broadsides, regimental drums, shoulder straps, insignia, uniforms & leather goods
- Weapons: guns & edged weapons that are complete, not over-cleaned, possessing great eye appeal (both non-excavated & excavated)
- Any items identified to great regiments or brigades (Iron Brigade, Irish Brigade, Custer’s Cavalry Brigade, Berdan Sharp Shooters, etc.)
- Anything from early or Confederate Charleston, South Carolina
- Documents & artifacts from Colonial Williamsburg, Virginia including copies of their Virginia Gazette Newspaper
- Any letters, images or memorabilia from the California gold rush or accounts of fighting Indians
- Shipwreck treasure & any other colorful excavated items: Spanish Cobs, gold doubloons, & gold nuggets with great eye appeal